
I launched this site in 2008 to blog about my work and interests. I did this actively until 2018. The focus of my blog during these 10 years necessarily evolved as my own work and interests evolved. While this often combined numerous disciplines, the common threads included social good, social impact, emerging technologies, humanitarian action, decentralization, and social justice.

Between 2016 and 2022, I blogged extensively at WeRobotics, an international organization that I co-founded and led. Prior to iRevolutions, I wrote this blog focused on crisis early warning and response. I’ve published well over 1,000 blog posts over the years, and may eventually return to blogging. 

In the meantime, I’ve kept the original “About” text below as a personal record of how and why I started iRevolutions.

Original Text Below

iRevolutions has received over 2 million hits and has been cited by the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, BBC, UK Guardian, Times and Forbes Magazines, The Economist, Wall Street Journal, Mashable, Wired, Slate, Tech Crunch, Fast Company, National Geographic, Nature, New Scientist and others.

The iRevolutions banner above is from the sketch produced by Jacques-Louis David in 1789. The drawing depicts “The Tennis Court Oath” which was a pivotal event during the French Revolution. The Oath signified the first time that French citizens formally stood in opposition to Louis XVI and inspired a wide variety of revolutionary activity in the months afterwards, ranging from protests to renewed calls for a written French constitution. Louis XVI would soon find the Crown increasingly unable to rest upon monarchical traditions of divine right. iRevolutions features short thought pieces on how innovation and technology are revolutionizing the power of the individual through radical self-sufficiency, self-determination, independence, survival and resilience.

What’s with the hat(s)? I began wearing said hats several years back for fun. When I stopped wearing them, colleagues and friends began to complain, saying it was the easiest way to spot me at conferences and meetings. So I went back to wearing them. They have since become my “signature” & “brand”.

Note: the views expressed here do not represent those of the organizations and institutions I work for and have worked for.

12 responses to “About

  1. Pingback: The Economist and NYT on Mobile Phones « iRevolution

  2. Researching Ushaidi/Swift River’s capabilities for more localised applications here in the UK I just want to say that I am in awe of what you guys are doing with this technology. It’s a game changer, and suddenly it feels like the technology we have grown up with has true purpose. I intend to help if I can… I hope you hear this enough – thank you, and keep up the good work 🙂

  3. Pingback: MeetTechtomakeADifference « Daily Meets

  4. Hi Patrick. thanks for you site. I’m not the very best person to understand the majority of these technology anyway what i’ve been reading makes fell hope in the future.
    I shall come over many times to read more about these issues. the only way I have to help is twitter and tell my friends about the blog.

  5. Hi Patrick,
    I’m fascinated by what you are doing as the org I work for – Humanitarian Crisis Hub – also works with diasporas in Australia on humanitarian issues. We provide support to diasporas that take action on human rights/humanitarian protection issues on their countries of origin, where those countries are affected by armed or political conflict. We’re linked in with INGOs too and build links between humanitarian agencies and diaspora groups.
    Do you have more info about your project that you can share?

  6. Pingback: social science sites of the week

  7. cool vid dude 🙂

  8. Pingback: Towards a Match.com for Economic Resilience in a Crisis-Stricken World | iRevolution

  9. Pingback: Towards a match.com for economic resilience in a crisis-stricken world « Voices from Eurasia

  10. Pingback: Re-thinking conflict early warning: big data and systems thinking | Let them talk

  11. Mr. Meire ,
    Please kindly forward a current email I can contact you with info on a developer experienced in agriculture and transportation in Ghana. I discussed with her Ushahidi and she is interested in IRobotics.
    Thank you
    Russell Imrie Wa DC

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